All teams need a leader, and a high-performing team needs a great one. Derived from the research of our previous book, Leading Teams, this book is laser focused on the leader and develops a checklist for any organization choosing or evaluating a team leader. In brief, here are the 4 behaviors or critical elements for a great team leader: A great team leader establishes trust, treats people well, creates a safe and supportive culture, and executes a clear strategy. This book will tell you how they do that.
The Four Critical Elements of a Great Team Leader is available on Amazon.
The Four Critical Elements of a Great Team Leader Assessment
Please rate your own leadership style based on each of the Four Critical Elements of a Great Team Leader: Trust, People, Culture, and Strategy. The assessment is directional and will tell you a lot about yourself. Please take it honestly. This survey is anonymous, and your responses will not be shared except in aggregate form.
Please assess your leadership style by selecting your response to each statement according to the following scale.
1=strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3= neutral; 4=agree; 5= strongly agree
note: use a neutral score of 3 if unsure of certain behaviors.